Community Events & Projects
Spreading Kindness
SedonaKind celebrated World Kindness Day and Sedona Kindness Day with more than a week of Kindness activities
Blue Star Memorial Dedication

On October 11th, 2017, SedonaKind was privileged to be part of a Blue Star Memorial Dedication at the Sedona Public Library. The Blue Star became an icon in WWII and was seen on flags, and banners in homes, churches and businesses, in honor of sons and daughters away at war. The Blue star Program honors service men and women who have, are, or will be serving in the Armed Forces of the United States. In 1945, the National Garden Clubs, Inc. adopted this program, and memorial markers and plaques are placed at national cemeteries, parks, Veteran facilities, gardens and libraries all over the country.
Kindness in Schools (KIS)
Boxes of Love
At SedonaKind, we're always talking about the power of the "pebble in the pond", and how one small act of kindness can sometimes travel the world, like our kindness charms. Last year we delighted in creating Operation Special Delivery, sending handcrafted cards to unsung heroes in our community. Learn about this year's project.
Kind Art From the Heart
Happy New Year everyone! No matter how crazy this new year might be, SedonaKind is kicked off 2017 with such a wonderful, and of course KIND project. It’s called Kind Art From the Heart, and we partnered with 4 other terrific NPO’s: Rotary, Sedona Art Center, Red Earth Theater, and Big Brothers/Big Sisters.
SedonaKind Goes Over The Rainbow
On November 3rd, a group from SedonaKind took a field trip ( our very first!!) to visit Rainbow Acres in Camp Verde. Rainbow Acres is an amazing facility for people from 18 to 80 with developmental disabilities. The people they serve are known to all as Ranchers, which is so fitting as it is a beautiful ranch style campus. The mission statement is simple: Rainbow Acres is a Christian Community with heart empowering persons with developmental disabilities to live up to their fullest potential with dignity and purpose.
Sedona Kind Honors Yavapai Food Council Neighborhood Coordinators
SedonaKind members wanting to honor the Neighborhood Coordinators recently assembled 120 gift bags that they gave out on October 8th.
Knitting Kindness
What happens when you get a group of motivated knitters together for a good cause. Well.......355+ beautiful knit hats that's what!!!
The Sedona Veteran's Celebration the beginning of April was a huge success, and SedonaKind was so grateful to take an active roll. You can read about it and see some great pictures by looking in our Archives . Now that the event is over, you might be wondering what SedonaKind is up to next?
So these are a few of the community activities that are in the works right now. Lots of ideas and plans are unfolding for the fall, including showing some inspiring films, working with local businesses on a "Pay it Forward" day, and creating a "gratitude tree" for the community to share in at the Holidays. Join us in any or all of our activities, it's just such a joy! Remember, "Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves" James M Barrie