Book of Joy-Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu Once Upon a Town- Bob Green Horse-Geraldine Brooks People of the Book - Geraldine Brooks Remarkably Bright Creatures- Shelby Van Pelt The Violin Conspiracy-Brendan Slocum Someone Else’s Shoes- Jojo Mayes The Secret Garden- Frances Hodgson Burnett The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store- James McBride The Day the Word Came to Town- Jim Defede The Memory of Violets- Hazel Gaynor The Bregdan Chronicles- Ginny Dye Live Long, Die Short-Roger Landry Infectious Generosity- Chris Anderson The Girls of Flight City- Lorraine Heath The Help- Kathryn Sackett Channeling With Eli- Heather Molans Art of Happiness- Dalai Lama, Howard Cutler Winnie-the-Pooh-A.A. Milne Friendship Bread-Darien Gee The Little Prince- Antoine Saint- Exupery The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society- Mary Ann Shaeffer and Annie Barrows The Spontaneous Healing of Belief- Greg Brayden Range of Motion- Elizabeth Berg