Fall Into Kindness
By Lou Ann Bruck
As we notice the temperatures dropping from warm to cool and feel the transition from summer to fall, we become aware of our own changes and cycles, not only through the seasons of each year, also our own shedding, letting go, accepting, growing and renewal. The metaphor for our lives is reflected in the seasons.
As we realize what a blessing this life is for each of us, we strive to live a kind and caring life. Sure, we may fall short of it at times, then notice, acknowledge it and begin again in the next moment. As we watch the leaves change colors and fall to the ground, we see this happening within ourselves, as we shed and renew just as the cells in our bodies do. When we live with a smile in our hearts, we treasure it all.
If you will join me this month and let five or six people know how much you care and appreciate them. Express this in your own unique way. It could be to a server at a restaurant, your partner, your family, your pet, your plants (you may want to practice with a dog, cat or plant). Tell them stuff you wouldn’t normally say to them. Let them know the special qualities you see in them and what a gift they are in your life. If it fits, ask the other person to pay it forward!
Before I share with you some of my favorite kindness quotes, I ask you to read them slowly. Take your time and let them into your heart. Savor them. Treasure them.
Live a kind life. You will be amazed at how great it will make you and others feel. Instead of divisions that pull us apart, kindness will bring us together, something we surely need.
You have never really lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.
You never know when the sand is going to run out of the hour glass. Just live well, be kind to others, and love and appreciate your family and friends.
If you have to choose between being kind and being right, choose being kind and you will always be right.
You could be standing next to someone who is trying their best not to fall apart. Whatever you do today, do it with kindness in your heart.
Kindness is another way to let another struggling soul know there is still love in the world.
One of the most beautiful things we can do is help one another. Kindness doesn’t cost a thing.
Never look down on someone unless you are helping them up.
Imagine what seven billion humans could accomplish if we all loved and respected each other. Imagine!
Funny how your quality of life improves dramatically when you surround yourself with good, intelligent, kind-hearted, positive and loving people.
May the footprints we leave behind show that we have walked in kindness toward the earth and every living thing.
Kindness never goes out of style. (Picture Charlie Brown hugging Snoopy)
You may not always see the results of your kindness, but every drop of positive energy you ever put out changes the world for everyone.
Instead of seasonal infections being passed around, spread the kindness bug! EnJOY!
As we realize what a blessing this life is for each of us, we strive to live a kind and caring life. Sure, we may fall short of it at times, then notice, acknowledge it and begin again in the next moment. As we watch the leaves change colors and fall to the ground, we see this happening within ourselves, as we shed and renew just as the cells in our bodies do. When we live with a smile in our hearts, we treasure it all.
If you will join me this month and let five or six people know how much you care and appreciate them. Express this in your own unique way. It could be to a server at a restaurant, your partner, your family, your pet, your plants (you may want to practice with a dog, cat or plant). Tell them stuff you wouldn’t normally say to them. Let them know the special qualities you see in them and what a gift they are in your life. If it fits, ask the other person to pay it forward!
Before I share with you some of my favorite kindness quotes, I ask you to read them slowly. Take your time and let them into your heart. Savor them. Treasure them.
Live a kind life. You will be amazed at how great it will make you and others feel. Instead of divisions that pull us apart, kindness will bring us together, something we surely need.
You have never really lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.
You never know when the sand is going to run out of the hour glass. Just live well, be kind to others, and love and appreciate your family and friends.
If you have to choose between being kind and being right, choose being kind and you will always be right.
You could be standing next to someone who is trying their best not to fall apart. Whatever you do today, do it with kindness in your heart.
Kindness is another way to let another struggling soul know there is still love in the world.
One of the most beautiful things we can do is help one another. Kindness doesn’t cost a thing.
Never look down on someone unless you are helping them up.
Imagine what seven billion humans could accomplish if we all loved and respected each other. Imagine!
Funny how your quality of life improves dramatically when you surround yourself with good, intelligent, kind-hearted, positive and loving people.
May the footprints we leave behind show that we have walked in kindness toward the earth and every living thing.
Kindness never goes out of style. (Picture Charlie Brown hugging Snoopy)
You may not always see the results of your kindness, but every drop of positive energy you ever put out changes the world for everyone.
Instead of seasonal infections being passed around, spread the kindness bug! EnJOY!