I grew up with the genetic predisposition to be a GARDENER given that both my parents were extraordinary...mother did the flowers and father did the vegetables. I reaped the benefits but was never inclined to learn or help. And then I moved away, married, had my own home and suddenly the desire to garden sprouted (bad pun!) and I carried on my inherited gardening ‘gene’.
So what does this have to do with KINDNESS? It’s often said that acts of kindness are like pebbles thrown into the water...you watch the ripples of kindness spread.
I, on the other hand, view acts of kindness like seeds. You do an act of kindness and it is like planting a seed. This act may be enough in itself; it may bring joy to the giver and the receiver BUT it may also grow to bear fruit or flowers which will produce more seeds.
SEEDS OF CHANGE! Smile at people you meet, and they might smile at others. SEEDS OF REVOLUTION! Give donations of time and/or money to worthy causes. SEEDS OF LIFE! Volunteer with the elderly, the homeless, the abused, and you have enriched their lives immeasurably.
After having just been deluged with snow it’s hard to imagine SEEDS sprouting up but it’s wonderful to wake up one morning and glimpse your first seeds producing whatever you planted.
We might not always see the effects of our SEEDS OF KINDNESS but, trust me, they will have effects! Kari Lee Hertzberg