5,000 Acts of Kindness
There was a challenge between the three schools to be the “Kindest School in America”
West Sedona School
Gloria Woody, (KIS) Kindness in Schools committee chair, talked with Theresa Zuan, PTA co-president and 2nd grade teacher, who said that the assembly and the following 15 days were very positive!
Theresa Zaun has been at the school for many years and sat through many assemblies, but felt that this one really “Engaged” the students more than any other.
Some of her students completed 3 and 4 journals filling them with their own ‘Acts of Kindness’.
Theresa has playground duty every day, and in years past from right around Thanksgiving until the Winter break, students seem grumpier than the rest of the year - “like siblings that get on each other nerves”. However, this year there was a “huge difference compared to last year…very positive.”
Celebration at the end of the15 days:
The final celebration was about Kindness and Fun. The students showed real “patience” while waiting in lines; and “NO” shoving or pushing; being conscientious about taking turns and helping others!!
Teachers were able to use the “Kindness” project as a daily teaching aide by asking students who were misbehaving: “Are you being Kind - is this the Kindness that we’re all working on, etc.?” WS School has not yet calculated their total numbers for the 15 days.
Theresa Zaun has been at the school for many years and sat through many assemblies, but felt that this one really “Engaged” the students more than any other.
Some of her students completed 3 and 4 journals filling them with their own ‘Acts of Kindness’.
Theresa has playground duty every day, and in years past from right around Thanksgiving until the Winter break, students seem grumpier than the rest of the year - “like siblings that get on each other nerves”. However, this year there was a “huge difference compared to last year…very positive.”
Celebration at the end of the15 days:
The final celebration was about Kindness and Fun. The students showed real “patience” while waiting in lines; and “NO” shoving or pushing; being conscientious about taking turns and helping others!!
Teachers were able to use the “Kindness” project as a daily teaching aide by asking students who were misbehaving: “Are you being Kind - is this the Kindness that we’re all working on, etc.?” WS School has not yet calculated their total numbers for the 15 days.
Big Park School
6,500 “documented” Acts of Kindness
540 pairs of shoes donated
224 students
6,500 “documented” Acts of Kindness
540 pairs of shoes donated
224 students
Principal Debbi Jones said that she has sent these statistics onto Brian Williams, Think Kindness, in hopes that Big Park would have the “best totals” for such a small school!
Mountain View School
8,000 “documented” Acts of Kindness
998 pairs of shoes donated
497 Students
8,000 “documented” Acts of Kindness
998 pairs of shoes donated
497 Students